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School Based Apprenticeships

Whether you’re a student or an adult, you may be eligible to start an apprenticeship at school. As long as you meet all the required qualifications, you can study a qualification while also gaining a valuable work experience.

NESA requirements for students to commence an SBA/T in Year 10

NESA has announced some new requirements for students to commence an SBA/T in Year 10. As a result, students should consult their school system and RTOs in order to prepare for their new vocational qualifications.

The NESA Industry Curriculum Information Guide provides schools with essential information about courses offered through the NESA Industry Curriculum Framework. NESA has also made some significant changes to its test and assessment system in 2021. These changes will ensure that students get the best possible education, while helping schools meet their indicative hours for the year.

The most obvious of these changes is that students will no longer sit online tests in 2021. However, the NESA website provides more information on this. For example, students in Years 10 to 12 can demonstrate their HSC minimum standard by achieving Level 3 or higher in the NESA minimum standard online tests. Students can then sit a performance oral exam by the end of term three.

Training plan must meet HSC VET course requirements

Having a Training Plan that meets HSC VET course requirements is very important. These courses can be a fantastic way to prepare students for their post-school lives. Often, they offer a “hands on” approach to learning, which can prepare students for the workplace. Depending on the course, students may also have the opportunity to do work placements.

Students can choose from a variety of VET courses to suit their interests and needs. For example, Skills for Work and Vocation (SWV) requires students to study for two years. This means students will need to complete a total of 70 hours of industry-specific work placement.

In addition to work placement, VET courses require students to undertake a formal training course delivered by a registered training organisation. These courses must also meet the requirements of the Vocational Training Order.

Administrative and pastoral care responsibilities

Taking a school based apprenticeship is a great way to learn new skills, make friends, and transition to full time employment. While you’re there, you’ll also get to learn about the school’s rules, the best way to interact with fellow students, and what makes for a great class room. Plus, your boss is going to be impressed that you’re already working on your degree.

A school based apprenticeship is also the quickest way to get your degree without having to go through the rigors of applying for a university and waiting for the decision to be made. While the process might be fraught with pitfalls, it is well worth the effort.

While you’re in the throes of your first day of work, here’s what you’ll need to know: you’ll likely have at least one great pastoral leader. The rest will fall into place. If you have the opportunity to shadow a pastoral leader, do so.

Queensland’s SAT policy for school based apprenticeships and traineeships

SATs are an opportunity for students to work and study while they are in Year 10 and Year 12. SATs combine paid work with school and training to help young people gain the skills they need to enter the workforce. This is a valuable career pathway for Queenslanders, helping them develop the job skills and experiences needed to succeed.

Students who want to complete SATs must be in Year 10-12 and should be aware of the commitment they need to make. The Department of Education provides support to state school students completing SATs and traineeships. Parents and other family members also play an important role in a student’s commitment to the program.

SATs are also an opportunity for students to learn about the industry they want to work in. Students can gain hands-on industry experience and learn real-life workplace skills.

Apply for a school based apprenticeship, and get yourself ready for the real world.

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